Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Babysitting and Ben's Birthday

Ben’s actual birthday included some more celebration, even though we had done his birthday trip a few days before.

For breakfast, we celebrated by having Puffy Pancakes, a definite favorite around here!
During the morning/early afternoon, we actually babysat some kids from church. They had fun playing, going on a short walk (it was SUPER hot that day), eating lunch, and baking healthy peanut butter cookies with me.
For dinner that evening, we had the American Special: burgers hot off the grill, cool watermelon slices, potato chips, potato salad, and lemonade!
For his birthday “cake,” Ben chose a form of dessert pizza. It had a chocolate chip cookie base, a peanut butter filling, a chocolate cake on top, all smothered in chocolate frosting, and garnished with Reese’s candy chunks. It was definitely good (recipe coming soon!)
Then he opened up his gifts. He got a few movies, a speaker for his Mp3 player, some new clothes, and new basketball gear.
We are so grateful for Ben and all the wonderful years we’ve had with him! He is quickly turning into a young man, and we look forward to what the next year of his life will bring! 

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