Saturday, October 13, 2012

Recipe--Homemade Pancake Syrup

A taste that will always remind me of my childhood is homemade pancake syrup. My Mom has used the syrup recipe from the Tightwad Gazette for as long as I can remember. Although we do try to use pure maple syrup most of the time, it can get expensive. So we have a limit on how much we spend on syrup each month. When we run out of the real stuff, we turn to this simple, frugal recipe for syrup that tastes far better than any imitation syrup you’ll find at the store!
Homemade Pancake Syrup

2 cups white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 ½ cups water
3 Tablespoons of molasses (we use corn syrup)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons butter flavoring
2 teaspoons maple flavoring


Combine all ingredients in saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves (a good rolling boil.) Boil for 2 minutes. Turn off burner, but leave pot on burner until bubbling stops. Makes just under 1 quart of syrup. Store any unused syrup in the refrigerator and warm before consuming.